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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Female, 36 years, born on 9 April 1988
Not looking for a job
Almaty, willing to relocate (Aktau, Almaty, Atyrau, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Ust-Kamenogorsk), prepared for business trips
SMM, Digital Media Coordinator
2 000 $ in hand
- SMM manager, content manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 19 years 3 months
October 2019 — currently
5 years 6 months
Digital Media
• Conducting and promoting business and services on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Vk, WatsApp, Telegram) in various fields: HoReCa, Cooking, Toys and Kids clothing, Accessories and Clothing, Dentistry, Psychology.
• Development of a brand development strategy in social networks
• Market and competitor analysis
• Drawing up a content plan
• Set up targeted ads
• Working with bloggers and opinion leaders
• Holding promotions, competitions to attract subscribers & customers
• Cooperation with bloggers
September 2018 — August 2019
1 year
Kazakh, Www.uib.kz
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
Senior lecturer
Senior Lecturer - Practitioner of the Department "Management and Business" at the Faculty of "Basic Higher Education". Read the following disciplines: “Branding”, “Marketing”, “Critical Thinking in Business”, “E-Commerce” in Russian and English. Organised various master classes and seminars for students with the invitation of practitioners from the field of Marketing and Management.
August 2011 — July 2018
7 years
Kazakh, Www.kcell.kz
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
SMM manager
Development and implementation of marketing strategies regarding the presence and development of brands (Kcell, Activ) in social media. Design, maintenance (moderation) and development of groups in social media. Social media monitoring and reporting. Participation in the development of strategies for conducting promotional activities on the Internet. Development planning corporate e-mails.
November 2009 — June 2011
1 year 8 months
Monthly magazine "izyum”
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
Chief editor
Managing the work of the editorial department: correspondents, photo service, art director, designers, proofreader; distribution department; advertising department. Development of the concept of publication and development of the publication as a whole, control over the activities of the advertising department, the introduction of new headings and sections, contacts with public organizations, authorities within the framework of the interests of the publication, work with the authors.
October 2005 — November 2009
4 years 2 months
Kazakh, Live.com
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
Introduction of headings and sections of secular chronicles, collection and processing of materials, preparation for printing, photo report from event of events, writing PR materials, contacts with famous art and culture artworks in the framework of the publication of the publication, replenishment of the database, work with the main editor and designer, organization of various pr-shares for readers
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
Fair Mandatory Proactive Friendly Charming
Striving for excellence in Digital
Higher education (master)
MBA, Marketing
Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана
Cпециальность “Журналистика", Магистр – диплом с отличием
Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана
Факультет менеджмента и международных коммуникаций / cпециальность "Журналистика", специализация "Связи с общественностью", Бакалавр - диплом с отличием
Professional development, courses
Blinovskaya team, Online project curator
Profession: Personal Assistant
Marketing agency Interra, Business Administration
To stay alive. How to survive a crisis
MSAGroup, Digital Marketing
Promotion and blogging 2020
Promotion School, Digital Marketing & Targeting
SMM Specialist
MSAGroup, Social Media Marketing
Professions in Digital
Skillbox, Digital
"Features of the adaptation of Kazakhstan's education to digital transformation in an environment of increasing competition"
UIB, Marketing
Self Directed Learning
UIB, Marketing
"Digital and service marketing, total quality management in the field of tourism"
Ministry of tourism and information, Management
Instagram administrator
Red SMM (Moscow), Social Media Marketing
Courses of oratory
Studio Obraz
Tests, examinations
Digital agenda in educatuon
UIB, Marketing
Digital management
Skillbox (Russia), Digital marketing
TQM management
Tourism comitee, Management
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter