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Male, 50 years, born on 8 April 1974

Not looking for a job

Almaty, willing to relocate (Ust-Kamenogorsk), prepared for business trips

Loss Prevention, Industrial and Fire Safety Manager/Supervisor/Engineer (HSE)

  • Other

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 16 years 7 months

July 2012June 2015
3 years

Almaty, www.heidelbergcement.ru

Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Duties and responsibilities of HSE Manager at Kazakhstan Branch • General management of safety and loss prevention, industrial and fire safety, civil defense and emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as HSE) in production of construction materials (cement, concrete, inert materials) at HeidelbergCement Group facilities in Kazakhstan (2 cement production plants, 7 concrete plants, 9 borrow pits, 5 shipment stations); • Coordination of HSE departments at all plants (7 HSE Engineers); • Implementation, enforcement of ISO and OHSAS and also carrying audits to develop a register of process risks and hazards with further planning preventive activities; • Regular, personal safety check of each work place within the Group; • Development, approval and implementation of HSE systems and procedures on the basis of legislative and corporate regulations of the international company; • incident analysis, investigation and reporting (1. In compliance with the RoK legislation, 2. As per the corporate regulations applied in the Group); • HSE budget management; • Project documentation approval within my area of responsibility; • Project and construction management to eliminate process hazards (structures, barriers, staircases, scaffoldings, traffic signs, fire and alarm automation systems); • Provision of HSE consulting for managers and engineering and technical supervisors; • Contractor health, environment and safety management; • Safety culture encouragement (visual propaganda, arrangement of contests and quizzes, participation in the RoK contests, interface with mass media, Internet page hosting); • Interface with the ministries and organizations on HSE issues. Achievements: Achieved all annual goals ahead of time! (Confirmation is available in the manager’s letter of reference) • Created HSE departments at the three new enterprises (started from scratch); • Reduced the number of industrial injuries by 12% in the home company and by 55% in contractors; • Saved 28% of HSE budget; • Eliminated illegal regulatory audits. Reduced the number of state inspections by 40% and number of citations because of it by 84%; • Established a close cooperation with the RoK Ministry of Emergency Situations Fire Safety scientific and research institutes, the RoK Ministry of Emergency Situations Industrial Safety scientific and research institutes, the RoK HSE scientific and research institutes and engineering scientific and research institutes. As a result of the close cooperation with the state agencies at different levels ALL issues were successfully resolved to the benefit of the Company. I managed to save $8 MM when constructing the new plant and running the operating enterprises; • Successful participation in the RoK contests Parys and Senim. As a result of the contests one of the Cement Plants has been the leader in HSE in Kazakhstan last two years.
December 1998June 2012
13 years 7 months
State fire control of the MES KZ


State fire inspector
State Fire Supervision Inspector • Carrying out fire safety audits at various production facilities of different property categories and state institutions. My area of responsibility included 430 facilities, 120 of them were high degree of hazard (hydro power station, oil product storage warehouses, explosive warehouses, toxic and poisonous substance warehouses, fill stations, power generation and distribution facilities, military units, boiler houses, rubber production factory, cement plant, timber warehouses, wood preservation areas, hotels, houses and recreational areas and other facilities occupied by significant number of people and used 7/24); • Monitoring of fire safety, prevention of personal hazard, fire ignition and spread and following extinguishing procedure; • Enquiry and investigation of fire causes in the area covered by three fire depots. Assigning and support of electrical-and-technical and fire-and-technical expert examinations. Criminally-remedial practice; • Administrative and criminal practice on the determined safety violations (facility suspension through legal action, imposition of administrative penalties); • Regulatory and technical affairs. Project approval; • Acceptance of the completed facilities into operation (participation in work and state commissions); • Acceptance of the fire alarm automation systems into operation (alarm system, fire fighting, fire audible/light notification systems); • Work with population (addressing complaints of physical bodies, propaganda, mass media, round tables with facilities owners, work at schools); • Interface with local executive authorities, prosecutor’s office, internal affairs; • Firefighting experience (7 years as Watch Commander of Fire Brigade). Rescued about 50 persons (including children) for the years of service. 12 letters of acknowledgements and 2 medals


Skill proficiency levels
Certification : Auditor OHSAS. Auditor ISO. Coach leadership in matters of health and safety.
Advanced PC user.
driver's license professional
Certificates for industrial safety and labor protection according to the legislation of Kazakhstan
MS Office (Exсel, Word, Outlook Express, Power Point, Access, Visio), Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, SAP

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

I appreciate decency. Hobbies: volleyball and lure fishing. Single. No bad habits. Personal car (TLC Prado). Highly mobile.

Higher education

Belgorod state technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov, Belgorod
Technosphere safety. HSE. Industrial safety., Diploma with distinction
Technical University of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Fire safety, Diploma with distinction
Naval Institute of St. Petersburg
Antisubmarine armament, electrical engineer



Tests, examinations

Industrial Safety at Enterprises
Promyshlennaya Bezopasnost i Okhrana Truda LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Loss Prevention and Safety
EKO State Inspection Administration’ State Enterprise, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Compliance Basics, Preventing Corruption in Company, Construction Equipment in Production
HR Training center HeidelbergCement, Germany Leimen
Refresher Training for ISO Specialists (Internal Audit of Quality Management Systems)
Technical Regulation and Metrology Center, Almaty
Internal Auditor Training for Professional Safety and Health Management System as per OHSAS 18001: 2007 , ISO 19011:2011
ISO Standard Plus LLP, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Training for Trainers “Leadership in HSE”
Impossible is Possible Creativ Groupe LLP, Almaty

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter