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Male, 35 years, born on 17 October 1989
Actively searching for a job
Ust-Kamenogorsk, willing to relocate (Kazakhstan), prepared for business trips
Industrial Relations specialist
- Other
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, rotation based work
Work experience 12 years 11 months
June 2018 — currently
6 years 10 months
Ir coordinator
- Consolidating of Weekly/ Monthly IR Reports;
- Carrying out HR/ Payroll audits of contractors and subcontractors;
- to conduct polls on workplaces of company employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to identify factors that affect their motivation, work efficiency and satisfaction with working conditions;
-Conduct discussions on work sites with employees of the company, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to ensure compliance with the current labor legislation, and to develop the Company's constituent documents;
- Effectively manage issues related to labor relations, intercultural relations, relationships between employees of the company, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to provide the Company's subdivisions and individual specialists with regulatory legal acts (upon request) necessary for the performance of their labor functions and responsibilities;
- Submitting of the recommendations and professional support to the company's employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project with respect to the interpretation and application of policies, rules and procedures for labor relations and related issues: check compliance with the legislation submitted to the signature of the project manager's orders, instructions, regulations and other legal documents; verification of compliance with the stages of approval of draft documents with responsible employees;
- Discussion with the immediate supervisor and recommend possible ways of resolving disputes, conflicts and complaints, check and monitor the implementation of the implementation of the agreed action plans / activities, carry out contractual work: determine the forms of contractual relations; develop draft contracts; to check compliance with the legislation of draft contracts submitted to the Company by contractors; to take measures to resolve disagreements on draft treaties; provide notarization and (or) state registration of certain types of contracts;
- Carrying out the inspections / audits in the field of production relations in subcontracting organizations, in order to ensure compliance with the current labor legislation, prepare applications, applications and other documents for obtaining licenses, permits necessary for carrying out the Company's activities;
- Conduct an introductory briefing (Industrial Relations Policy / IR Onboarding Training) for company employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to verify and visualize contracts on material responsibility of employees;
- Participating in tool-boxes, introducing current IR policies and procedures.
November 2017 — June 2018
8 months
«National Center for Expertise and Certification» JSC, in Ust-Kamenogorsk c.
Business Services... Show more
specialist of the department of management systems confirmation and examination of the origin of goods
- Participating in develop and implementation of the Policy, objectives, activities in the field of quality and current work plans of the department;
- Provide methodical and practical assistance to enterprises on certification of the management system;
- Carrying out technical work on registration of the results of confirmation compliance of management systems, prepare reports, references, letters;
- Participating in preparation and conduct of seminars on the management system;
- Taking part in conducting internal audits of the quality management system;
- Develop corrective actions based on results of internal audits of the quality management system.
June 2017 — November 2017
6 months
«KAZPACO» LLP, «CaTRo» TCO Project
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
IR specialist
- Consolidating of Weekly/ Monthly IR Reports to TCO CaTRo IR;
- Carrying out HR/ Payroll audits of contractors and subcontractors;
- to conduct polls on workplaces of company employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to identify factors that affect their motivation, work efficiency and satisfaction with working conditions;
-Conduct discussions on work sites with employees of the company, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to ensure compliance with the current labor legislation, and to develop the Company's constituent documents;
- Effectively manage issues related to labor relations, intercultural relations, relationships between employees of the company, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to provide the Company's subdivisions and individual specialists with regulatory legal acts (upon request) necessary for the performance of their labor functions and responsibilities;
- Submitting of the recommendations and professional support to the company's employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project with respect to the interpretation and application of policies, rules and procedures for labor relations and related issues: check compliance with the legislation submitted to the signature of the project manager's orders, instructions, regulations and other legal documents; verification of compliance with the stages of approval of draft documents with responsible employees;
- Discussion with the immediate supervisor and recommend possible ways of resolving disputes, conflicts and complaints, check and monitor the implementation of the implementation of the agreed action plans / activities, carry out contractual work: determine the forms of contractual relations; develop draft contracts; to check compliance with the legislation of draft contracts submitted to the Company by contractors; to take measures to resolve disagreements on draft treaties; provide notarization and (or) state registration of certain types of contracts;
- Carrying out the inspections / audits in the field of production relations in subcontracting organizations, in order to ensure compliance with the current labor legislation, prepare applications, applications and other documents for obtaining licenses, permits necessary for carrying out the Company's activities;
- Conduct an introductory briefing (Industrial Relations Policy / IR Onboarding Training) for company employees, employees of subcontractors and other persons involved in the project to verify and visualize contracts on material responsibility of employees;
- Participating in tool-boxes, introducing current IR policies and procedures.
December 2015 — April 2017
1 year 5 months
«SvyazTechnoCom» LLP
Power Industry... Show more
Energy auditor
- Acquaintance with the inspected objects, equipment (units) consuming fuel and energy resources. Building of the common energy supply system.
- Instrumental survey of energy supply systems.
- Processing of survey results, their analysis.
- Calculation of the normative indicators of consumption of each type of fuel and energy resources.
- Development of an expert opinion, as well as energy saving measures and recommendations for their implementation.
- Evaluation of the share of costs and the possibility of reducing the costs of the company for each of the areas of energy use.
- Determination of priority directions of energy saving.
- Assessment of energy saving potential in selected areas.
- Expertise of the energy efficiency of innovations held or planned at the enterprise.
- Development of effective measures to realize the identified potential for energy conservation.
- Development of proposals for the organization of energy management system at the enterprise.
- Drawing up of the program of energy saving.
April 2014 — May 2015
1 year 2 months
East Kazakhstan Branch of “BTA Bank” JSC
Financial Sector... Show more
Manager for legal entities service
Maintenance of accounts of legal entities
October 2012 — February 2014
1 year 5 months
«Ust-Kamenogorsk heating networks», No. 4 Boiler Station
Power Industry... Show more
Senior boiler operator
- Ensuring reliable and economical operation of all boiler equipment.
- Start, stop, test, crimping equipment.
- Load distribution between boiler units when the dispatch schedule is changed.
- Switching in of the thermal schemes of boiler units.
- The withdrawal of equipment for repair.
- Elimination of the emergency situations.
- Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of equipment.
- Preparation of workplaces and admission to work on auxiliary heat-power equipment, secondary admission and preparation of workplaces for the production of work on boilers with the permission of the head of the shop shift.
- Management of the subordinate workers.
September 2011 — October 2012
1 year 2 months
“AlES” JSC, 2 Power Station
Power Industry... Show more
machinist-crawler of auxiliary equipment of turbine unit
- Maintenance and monitoring of work by bypass, ensuring reliable operation of auxiliary turbine equipment: the oil system of the turbine unit; condensing, regenerative, heating, nutrient, deaeration, evaporative and reduction-cooling plants; circulation and drainage systems; cooling system of the generator, service water, network water, drinking water and fire extinguishing.
- Participation in the operation of the operating mode of the turbine unit.
- Start, stop, crimping, testing of the equipment, switching in of the thermal circuits of the turbine.
- Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of equipment.
- Elimination of emergency situations.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
Hard worker, promptness, responsibility, purposefulness.
Ping pong, music, active recreation.
Higher education
KAZEU after T. Ryskulov
Economics, Economics and business
East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev
Industrial power, Heat energy
East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev
Translation, Translator in professional communications
Military Department of East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev
Military, Financial Services Sergeant
Professional development, courses
Courses of Energy auditor
«SvyazTechnoCom» LLP, Energy auditor
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter